Inventory Control & Shipments

As part of our commitment to working with customers to control inventory cost and levels, we utilize our U.S. warehouse as a logistics facility to manage daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual shipments. We work with customers to determine the best JIT or Kanban system to help manage their inventory. This allows us to be able to house an additional 1 – 2 months of parts available at all times to handle spikes in our customers’ business, and be able to deliver within a day if necessary to keep production running, all while our customers saves money by only paying for parts that are shipped to their facilities.

Online Retail Site for Immediate Inventory

Our online division, SuperMagnetMan, provides a huge inventory of neodymium and Samarium Cobalt magnets and magnetic assemblies. Click Here to Visit SuperMagnetMan.

How can we help you with inventory management and cost containment? Contact us to discuss your requirements.

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