Our Higher Education customers continually push the boundaries in magnets and magnetic assemblies. They are leaders in R&D and considered the initial innovators for many new technologies. We have partnered with our Higher Education and Research Institutions for over 20 years to provide design assistance, magnet selection, and advanced magnetic assemblies.

These partnerships have given us opportunities to assist these customers from simple magnet selection to finding solutions with complex designs requiring high magnetic fields. The academic community has come to depend on our knowledge with magnets, complex magnetic assemblies, coatings, and other materials required in their designs. We enjoy the challenges that our Higher Education customers present us and are proud to be their partner in their magnetic research and magnetic assemblies.

Click here to view some of the research and read the articles. 

Click here to find an example of one of our dipole designs that was developed by our VP of Engineering, who was able to achieve over 2 Tesla inside the concentrated field of this assembly. 

If your academic research requires a proven partner in magnetics, Contact us to start the conversation.

Available Magnet Inventory

Our online magnet retail division, SuperMagnetMan, carries a large inventory of magnets ready for shipping and testing.

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